The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is something that goes beyond standards or mandatory laws. It is a voluntary commitment, a stance and a value. It is part of our corporate culture and philosophy.

The MEDINFAR Group assumes its full commitment to CSR, as an economic agent, but essentially as an organisation, in order to add significant value to the Company and other Stakeholders.

Thus, we want CSR to be increasingly intrinsic to our activity, reflecting our stance on social, environmental and business challenges, encompassing the various dimensions that have an impact on society.

We aim to contribute to an increasingly sustainable world through our value chain.


Solid CSR implies a global strategy. Hence, the MEDINFAR Group is organised around three axes: HEALTH AND WELLNESS, CITIZENSHIP AND ENVIRONMENT.

We develop concrete initiatives that are aimed at materializing them. We endeavour to do so in a continuous and integrated manner in the communities where we operate, which we are naturally closer: Amadora and Coimbra.

We reinforce the importance of corporate volunteering and encourage the participation of all our staff in the initiatives we promote.

The well-being of our company depends on the well-being of everyone. Therefore, we are a corporate group that seeks to understand individual and collective needs and expectations at all times. We are proud of our proximity policy through our People Management. As an organization, we are proud of having a set of measures that foster the work life balance of our employees or that provide specific benefits in the Health and Wellness sector.

Some examples are the health workshops taught by health professionals, the experiences related to wellness in topics such as nutrition habits or physical exercises.


Disease prevention: Aimed at reducing the prevalence of chronic diseases in Portugal, as well as providing appropriate treatment and advice through greater literacy and innovative treatments. For us, this is a priority, expressed in a set of partnerships and permanent protocols with healthcare Institutions/Associations, dedicated to the support of diseases, which are specialty areas of the MEDINFAR group, where we can create value (e.g. RESPIRA, MyOBESIDADE, APDP).

Health promotion: We believe it is crucial to contribute to greater health literacy and raise awareness to the need for healthier lifestyles in the long term, starting with the younger generation. We do this by using strategies created within the scope of encouraging sports activities. These strategies provide opportunities for sharing and learning about the key issues of good health education.


Mainly focused on the communities where we operate, in geographic terms, we strive to find innovative ways in relation to the following:

  • Catering for the growing needs of elderly people
  • In specific initiatives during the year, with the active contribution of our employees, we collect clothes, books and toys and give them away to low income families in the areas where we operate
  • A closer and continuous relationship with local support institutions in order to provide the resources at our disposal to meet identified needs
  • Emergencies


We are a group that owns an Industrial Unit, so we defend the principle of eco-efficiency. We support the protection of nature and the prevention of pollution within a continuous improvement perspective. Hence, we ensure a balance between economic demands, environmental preservation and social development.

Naturally, all good practices are shared policies in all the group's companies and locations, adapted to different operating realities.